
“Your Kid Has Lice”

Imagine seeing an email with a subject line like that—it would grab your attention instantly, wouldn’t it? The same principle applies to attracting top-level talent in today’s fiercely competitive market.

Let me share a story. A few years ago, my child’s school sent an email with the subject line, “There’s been a case of head lice at school.” That’s all it took—I was glued to the email, reading every word about how the situation was being addressed and how to prevent the spread. Normally, I skim or ignore the dozens of emails I get from school each month—like most overworked, overwhelmed parents. But this one stopped me in my tracks. It had urgency, relevance, and a direct connection to something I cared about.

The same logic applies when reaching out to top candidates. Most people you’re targeting are inundated with opportunities—LinkedIn messages, job boards, recruiter emails. To stand out, your message needs to do what “There’s been a case of head lice at school” did for me. It has to grab them by the collar, make them take notice, and clearly demonstrate why they must engage with your opportunity.

What’s your version of “Your Child Has Lice”? What unique, compelling hook can you use to cut through the noise and connect with the game-changers your company needs?

If you want to attract the best, start by identifying what makes your opportunity unmissable. Need help? That’s where AOI comes in. We’re a recruiting firm specializing in helping you win the talent war.

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